be part of something great

19 Schools Protected as of May 2023
Our mission is to use outreach, fundraising and generous donations to SAVE OUR KIDZ!
Founder Brett Savant is a School Resource Officer (S.R.O.) in Louisiana. Brett began looking for ways to keep the students and staff safer. He noticed that schools would benefit from additional first aid and life saving devices such as tourniquets (tourniquets are used to stop life threatening bleeding from arms or legs), choking rescue devices (choking rescue devices are used to create a suction to remove the obstruction in the airway quickly), advanced first aid, and to improve security for lockdowns. He noticed that grade level schools do not currently have tourniquets or choking rescue devices available. With school related incidents increasing and having to use a tourniquet on his young son's arm, he realized that not having these items at schools is an issue that we can eliminate together. Having these at schools and being used minutes faster than medical personnel can arrive can be the difference of life and death.
Lets talk about school shootings for a moment, since 1970 there has been over 2,000 school shootings in the United States. Since Columbine in 1999 there has been nearly 300,000 students on a campus of a school shooting. An estimated 93% of shooters planned their attack in advance. No one knows where the next one will be. So, we're asking you to be part of something great and you can help from where you are right now!
Because of generous donors like you what was once a dream is now becoming a reality. Placing these items in ALL grade level schools in the United States has become our #1 priority for SAVE OUR KIDZ.
Thank you for visiting our website, please consider donating today! Save Our Kidz is a non profit 501(c)(3), you can donate at any Hancock/Whitney Bank, online below or by check.
** Donate by check**
Save Our Kidz
P.O. Box 496
Watson, LA 70786
Proudly Sponsored by